  • Chuckanut Health Foundation

Donate to VSED Resources Northwest



Thank you for supporting VSED Resources Northwest. Your contribution will help educate our community about options at the end of life, advocate for access to VSED support, and make referrals to experienced caregivers, death doulas, and healthcare providers in the Pacific Northwest.

We are grateful for your generosity!

All donations are tax-deductible – our Tax ID Number is 91-1192943.

Your Donation Amount


Donations can be sent by mail to the following address:
Chuckanut Health Foundation
PO Box 5641
Bellingham, WA 98227

Please make checks out to "Chuckanut Health Foundation" and note on the memo line which program or project you would like your donation to be used for. 

Your Contact Information


Honor/Memorial Information


Your Payment Method

Your Billing Information